Saturday, December 19, 2009

now o'clock

it's snowing in philadelphia and it's 80 degrees here in los angeles.
believe it or not, i'd rather be by my fireplace and cats in philadelphia!

we have just finished recording the 2nd Sharon Little album for CBS records. It was produced by Don Was and
more than being a great producer (as expected) he has truly become a friend. he is very old and gentle soul and all around cool cat. very humble, no signs of ego...not once.

sharon and i got to hang out with Ringo Starr and Mick Jagger during the recordings via mister Was, much to our amazement.
he certainly didn't have to include us on his regular activities with living legends, but he did.
he also taught us a lot about life and a lot about music and a lot about how to have the two co-exist in harmony.

last night the label came down to hear he record and gave it a big thumbs up. it sounded great to us too.
very different from the first record. i think this time we knew what we wanted it to sound like. makes a big difference when you have a target to shoot for.

it's a very upbeat record!

today i ran into a very, very old close friend that i actually have fallen out of touch with in the past year. out of all the diners in la, i happened to be in the one he decided to go to this morning. it was like a christmas present.

happy dreams and decembers to everyone