Sunday, September 28, 2008

An Up and Comer Asked Me For Music Career Advice...I Thought I'd Reprint It So I Don't Forget My Own Advice

Sing the truth. 
Sing from your heart. 
Don't follow any trend or try to sound like anyone else. 
Be honest with yourself. 
Be kind. 
Don't try to write a hit, just write because you love to. 
Sing on key, always...every note if possible. 
Make music out of love, nor for money. 
People can always tell when you're doing it for money. 
People can always tell when you're doing it for money. Always. 
Be yourself, there's only one of you. 
Everything will fall into place if you follow these simple truths.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Gnat's Landing

The beautiful landscape as seen through a grimey windshield adorned with splattered bugs....yes, it's Gnat's Landing!

Why don't people have toilet paper coming in to the house the way we have tap water?
You know, it's always there should we need it. Like a service. The heating bill, the water bill...the toilet paper bill...

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