Monday, March 23, 2009

that feeling

yesterday, when the b chord went to the e chord in that way at that tempo with that note being sung, that feeling i feel once in a while came rushing back in me. 

that feeling when the guitar pick started to literally get hot from jamming when i was 14 in my friend's living room.

that feeling i had when i walked home from school and couldn't think about anything but putting on the new album i bought the day before.

that feeling when songs were just pouring out of me when i was living in my first apartment in my 20's in south philadelphia every day, every night and nothing existed but them and me.

why does a chord change you've played a million times before suddenly sound fresh again? 
it's unexplainable and almost scary how sacred is that feeling when it happens.

that feeling is the best feeling i know.


Lindsay said...


Rambo66 said...

That's why we do it brother! Sometimes you can lose track of why you're in it and then you get 'that feeling' and it reminds you. I think we're really lucky to have that connection to music, not everyone does. Sometimes I'll listen to a certain song and the chord, the lyric and the melody all come together and it actually brings tears to my eyes, I feel it so deeply. That is the wonderful power of music. Some of those songs you wrote back on Christian Street all those years ago have had that effect on me. Thanks!


kevin from WV said...

Sometimes you influence yourself!
Sometimes your influences KICK YOU IN THE ASS! What I am hearing here is: NEW MUSIC IS ON THE WAY!!!
I remember when you asked me if i am a musician or "just" a fan!!! ME: Big fan of music...and you got it! SCOT: KEEP ON CHOOGLIN! Gain from those who laid the tracks before you... kevin