mister yost taught fine arts at plymouth whitemarsh highschool.
yost not only had the dryest sense of humor but a way of rolling his eyes at some of the stupid stuff me and the other numbskulls were probably talking about before class started.
i never understood what a respectable man in both presence and manner was doing teaching at our school. he was more like a professor than just another teacher.
when me and my friends were looking at a picture of marilyn monroe one day i remember him commenting "ugh, i always thought she was the tackiest woman i had ever seen".
i never heard anyone say anything like that about her. i remember thinking "ya know what? she is kinda tacky".
he taught me how to shade and not draw a line when i sketched.
"there are no lines that make up someone's nose, just the shade that shows it protrudes".
this may be a common comment in the art teacher world but his way of saying it stayed with me to this day and more days to come i'm sure. he told me one day that blue was my color (i was wearing a blue shirt that day). i saw him 15 years later in an art store and reminded him that he told me about blue being my color and how i always wear blue because of that to which he said dryly "you're not wearing it now".
then he rolled his eyes.
i'll always remember you mister yost. thanks for giving plymouth whitemarsh a little class for a little while. and thanks for teaching me how to draw, which i still do to this day.
1 comment:
hey, scot. I didn't tell you on the phone the other day, but I actually had dinner at yost's house with his "room mate". It was down in the Andorra area, if I remember correctly. Besides being a distant relative of Howard Hughes, he told me once that he was like second cousin to Tennessee Williams. He also said I resembled Montgomery Clift. There's a little more to this story in that he tried to help me escape from PA. But I'll save that for your return.
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