Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sharon Little Stranded at a Truck Stop!

"We are a bus".

Ever hear that sentence before? That is what is told the driver of a tour bus when he asks if everyone is on the bus before he starts driving away.
"Everyone here?" Scot? "yeah"...Sharon?"... "yeah"... "Matt?....Matt?" "yep"...and so on...
"We are a bus" and then we head back on the road.

We pull up to a truckstop somewhere outside of...well..i honestly can't remember what town it was..for our driver to check the air in the tires. Usually our stops are for at least 15 minutes.
I get off the bus, go into the mini mart...look at an Alabama CD (thinking "what's their song again?"), pick up a vitamin water and start noticing that i don't see anyone else from our bus.
Just a few snaggle toothed truck drivers and some weary women behind the counter. I get outta there quickly and see the bus driving away. Shit. Luckily they only go across the highway to another truck stop. I get out of the cold 1am air and hop on the bus (gus).

Where's Sharon? My cell rings, the number is unfamiliar, it's a shakey sounding Sharon. "Where are you guys?" "Where are you?" " I'm at the truck stop and you guys split" "Shit, I'll be right there". I run over and get her. Having a couple truckers hit on her, she is understandably upset. 

Back on the bus I announce "please, if we are going to drive away from anywhere let's make sure we are all on the bus". 
As soon as my sentence ends the bus driver jumps out of his seat, marches right in my direction like he's gonna clock me and shouts something in my face that I can't make out through the anger and southern accent. He's freaking me out. And he's freaking out Sharon.

This is unbelievable. Sharon shouts to him "don't yell at him he's just concerned about me".
He marches back to the driver's seat and peels away, bus sways hard left and right.

I ask myself "why am I doing this?" Lee, the tour manager and Matt argue. "He's fired" Matt says, referring to the driver. "That's just not cool" he says. 
Lee disagrees. "She shoulda had her I announced that this was just a quick stop".

Well, I never heard that announcement.

I don't care if it's a quick stop and then a ride across the street or a long stop and a drive across the state, you never just drive away.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


paligirl said...

Bus driver:
big ego
not too bright
unhappy life

smaller ego :)
puppy dog safe
one stop short of genius
carefully assertive
happy life
hemorrhoids sometimes

I'd say justice has been served. It will all work out. :)

John Stanton said...

It sounds a little insane.

paligirl said...

hey js! let's get together soon. oh, and i'm thinking the bus driver needs a "nerve pill." that's what we southern folk take when things start getting out of hand.

Eva said...

He should not be driving people...maybe tomatoes or something south of the border...but not people.